Micah 6:8

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Do you wonder what God wants from you in 2022? The ancient prophet Micah highlights three principles of a righteous life:
To do justice — that is, don’t cheat. Proverbs refer to a just set of balances that are reliable and honest. Cutting corners in business dealings may seem to be an advantage, but in the end, such action creates conflict, loss of credibility, and erosion of the bottom line. A good reputation is more valuable than gold.
To love kindness — be known for kindness in an environment of harsh selfishness. Do you know God? Then you have something far more important to accomplish than a fat bottom line. Pursue good relationships and let God make you rich. People are drawn to the kind man who is reliable and can be counted on to do just dealings.
To walk humbly with God — humility puts God and people first and doesn’t brag about it. Humility is faith-based, trusting God for all outcomes as you honorably walk before your family, church, business associates, and neighbors. Do the right thing and let others discover your accomplishments. Give glory to God and thank Him for His blessing.
So there you have a good foundation for a solid run in the new year: be just, be kind, be humble. Blessings!