John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
Hebrew for peace is shalom, meaning fullness, completeness, health, security, and prosperity, and it is Jesus’ gift to every believer. It is Jesus’ personal peace to you, nothing like the world’s transient, unpredictable, unreliable peace that usually comes down to a faulty premise like deceit or substance abuse. Personal ability in contrast to spiritual adequacy tells the story.
The Holy Spirit guides you into truth and helps you understand it which prepares you for tough times when the gift of peace is so meaningful. Jesus seeks to free you from anxiety and fear by making the choice to not accept them. On the authority of His Word, you can decide to reject negativity and embrace the freedom you have to walk in confidence with hope.
Do you believe Jesus is giving you peace? Can you accept His gift and put aside worry and threat? He’s already there where you’re going to face your giants and they’re under His control, so be bold, be strong, and peaceful, the Lord your God is with you.